[환경] Geosites of Northern Mountainous Adygeya (Southwestern Russia): A Novel Vision
러시아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - MDPI 발간일 : 2024-09-24 등록일 : 2024-10-18 원문링크
Territorial inventories of geosites remain on the international agenda, and they can help in acquiring information for solving pure geological research tasks. New field investigations in the northern part of Mountainous Adygeya (geoheritage-rich territory in the western Greater Caucasus) permitted us to extend our knowledge of its geosites. Five geosites were described qualitatively and assessed semi-quantitatively, namely the Polkovnitskaya River Valley (ammonite-bearing concretions of Aptian glauconitic sandstones), the Little Khadzhokh River Valley (Aptian glauconitic sandstones with fossils and trace fossils), the Shakhan and Middle Khadzhokh River Valley (Upper Jurassic variegated siliciclastics, Hauterivian fluvial and deltaic sandstones, mixed ancient and modern clastic material), the Big Khadzhoh Waterfall (splendid waterfall and exposures of locally folded Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian limestones), and the Verblyud Mountain (small, camel-shaped cuesta’s remnant). They were ranked nationally (one geosite), regionally (three geosites), and locally (one geosite). Close examination of the considered geosites permitted to register pure geological peculiarities (changes in the dip direction between sedimentary packages), which indicate the tectonic activity across the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition. Additionally, complex accessibility patterns were established in some geosites, and these patterns should be addressed in further refinements of the semi-quantitative approaches to geosite assessment.
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