[경제] Colombia: Technical Assistance Report-Scoping Mission to Develop Macroeconomic Forecasting Capacity at the Autonomous Committee for the Fiscal Rule (CARF)
콜롬비아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - IMF 발간일 : 2024-11-01 등록일 : 2024-11-08 원문링크
In response to a request from the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank, staff from the IMF´s Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) conducted diagnostic work and provided insights to enhance the Autonomous Committee for the Fiscal Rule (CARF)`s technical capacity. This report emphasizes a comprehensive action plan agreed with CARF to develop and institutionalize a new macroeconomic framework using ICD´s Comprehensive Adaptive Expectations Model, integrated with CARF`s tools. Anticipated to boost CARF`s ability in generating accurate macroeconomic projections and assessments, this macroeconomic framework supports Colombia`s policy development and implementation. The plan includes a two-year timetable with virtual engagements and in-person missions, aiming to transfer knowledge and build capacity among CARF`s economists.
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