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[경제] Azerbaijan - Second Rural Investment Project

아제르바이잔 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2020-03-31 등록일 : 2021-11-18 원문링크

The Second Rural Investment Project for Azerbaijan had a moderately satisfactory outcome. Bank performance was also moderately satisfactory while M&E Quality was substantial. Most of the changes in the project were introduced at the time of the Additional Financing (AF) in July 2014 and during a second restructuring process in September 2018. Additional changes to project activities were introduced during implementation. No changes were made to the project development objective (PDO). Most of the outcome targets were revised in the restructuring at the time of the AF to account for the expansion of rural infrastructure and livelihoods activities to additional communities. Some lessons learned during the project include: In the absence of household-level data, open sources of big data can provide proxies for vulnerability mapping; Rural women, if provided with an integrated package of supporting covering-skills development, networks and mentoring, access to finance, markets and business incubation and development support at source, can play a significant role in improving their lives and their communities; and Operations and maintenance of community-driven investments in rural infrastructure are usually inadequate after the project interventions are completed.

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