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[무역] Business process analysis: Study of cereal exports from Kazakhstan to Azerbaijan

아제르바이잔 / 카자흐스탄 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - UNESCAP 발간일 : 2022-03-28 등록일 : 2022-04-01 원문링크

The objective of this study report on the Business Process Analysis (BPA) for wheat exports by Kazakhstan to Azerbaijan is to identify bottlenecks and develop recommendations for trade facilitation, using the BPA methodology. The BPA methodology was developed as part of a joint technical assistance project of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) with the support of the United Nations Network of Experts for Paperless Trade and Transport in Asia and the Pacific (UNNExT). It has been used successfully by a number of ESCAP member States. BPA helps in identifying, recording and analysing existing “as-is” international trade business processes as well as generating recommendations for their prospective optimization.

The initial BPA study on cereal exports by Kazakhstan to Azerbaijan was carried out in 2014. The present study analyses the existing situation and identifies changes after five years in 2019 in international trade, using the example of wheat export.

As was previously the case, this study is based on:

An analysis of current legislation and regulations for obtaining permits and supporting documents for customs processing and wheat transportation from Kazakhstan to Azerbaijan;
An analysis of data and information from various dependable sources; and,
Interviews with supply chain participants, exporters, importers, shipping companies and government bodies.
The report covers the following topics:

Kazakhstan cereal export market overview;
An analysis of regulations for the registration of cereal exports by Kazakhstan and cereal imports by Azerbaijan; and,
An analysis of business processes, including a comparison of changes during the period of five years and bottleneck identification.
Based on the results of the study, the report presents recommendations for further simplifying and harmonizing cereal exports by Kazakhstan to Azerbaijan

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