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[경제] Asian Development Bank and Azerbaijan: Fact Sheet

아제르바이잔 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Asian Development Bank 발간일 : 2023-01-09 등록일 : 2023-01-19 원문링크

The strategy aims to boost private sector development, raise public sector efficiency, improve infrastructure, and strengthen human capital. It is closely aligned with the Government of Azerbaijan’s strategic road maps for the national economy and main economic sectors. As a chair of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program in 2021, Azerbaijan actively supported the program’s agenda and hosted the virtual 20th Ministerial Conference.

ADB’s medium-term program in Azerbaijan focuses on the education, agriculture, public sector management, transport, and energy sectors. ADB works closely with the government to make local currency financing available to the private sector through local currency bonds.

Updated yearly, this ADB Fact Sheet provides concise information on ADB's operations in the country and contact information.

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