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[경제] Uzbekistan Infrastructure Governance Assessment

우즈베키스탄 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-12-07 등록일 : 2023-12-17 원문링크

Uzbekistan faces large infrastructure capacity constraints to maintain service performance. Transport and water infrastructure has not kept pace with demographic and economic changes, and financing maintenance of existing assets has been insufficient. More than a quarter of the population does not have access to good quality drinking water, and while the country has the potential to become a mainregional transit node, poor quality of transport services, logistical bottlenecks, and under-investment affects its extensive road and rail networks and undermines connectivity between China and Europe. Nearly 40 percent of the existing power generation infrastructure has exceeded its expected lifespan, leading to frequent power outages. Uzbekistan’s investment needs to close the infrastructure gaps are estimated to be around 10 percent of GDP in 2018-2030. Most investment in infrastructure since 2017 has come from international financial institutions (IFIs) and bilateral creditors, and not from the private sector or the Government of Uzbekistan. In dollar terms the state budget and targeted funds’ investments have declined in recent years.

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