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[경제] Ecuador: Growing Resilient for a Better Future

에콰도르 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2024-04-01 등록일 : 2024-05-16 원문링크

To sustain poverty reduction and achieve high-income country status, Ecuador needs to tap into additional sources of growth. The country is blessed with natural resources, including arable land, forests, fish, diverse ecosystems, significant hydropower and oil, gold, and copper. It also has significant potential in agriculture, extractive sectors, and tourism. Past growth relied on an unstainable expansion of public spending, fueled by windfall gains from the oil price boom and a costly erosion of fiscal buffers, and coincided with the introduction of rigidities to private sector development. Fiscal policy and economic flexibility are critical in a dollarized economy. Ecuador is the largest fully dollarized country in the world. Ecuador has made significant progress in restoring fiscal buffers in recent years, but continued rigidities meant the consolidation carried high economic and social costs. The private sector will need to become a more significant driver of growth to break Ecuador’s cycle of economic ups and downs and achieve sustainable growth.

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