[정치] The political ecology of justice outcomes of lithium mining: The case of Salar del Hombre Muerto, Argentina
아르헨티나 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - The Extractive Industries and Society 발간일 : 2024-05-25 등록일 : 2024-05-30 원문링크
Electromobility and lithium-ion batteries are seen as key for the global energy transition, but injustices have been identified in several stages of the life cycle of electric vehicles, particularly in the resource extraction stage. Little is known about the micropolitics driving the acceptance or contestation of lithium mining by communities directly affected by this activity in the highland Andes of South America. In this paper, we explore complaints and demands made by communities living near Salar del Hombre Muerto, a salt flat in the Argentinian province of Catamarca where lithium has been extracted for decades. Having collected ethnographic data from conversations with affected communities and during public meetings and hearings, we applied a coding process using political ecology and energy justice conceptual frameworks. This led to the identification of place-based complaints and demands associated with distributive, procedural, and recognition justice. We further discuss our findings in terms of recent literature on lithium mining to provide explanations of the justice outcomes identified. Although lithium mining may not be the sole cause of (at least some of) these injustices, it nevertheless generates expectations and catalyzes attempts to end marginalization in areas where local and regional institutions are incapable of doing so.
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